Happy Monday everyone! Did you have a good weekend? Let me know what you got up to. I had a quiet one. I was on my own at home with the Pugs on Saturday - my boyfriend went to Blackburn to visit his family and took Geri (she was his dog before we met and she likes to visit his Mum's dog, the cutest little poodle with no teeth!)
I spent the morning catching up on blog-reading and Youtube-watching whilst the Pugs snuggled at my feet. I chilled in my pjs and my new headband and felt fabulous! You can see nicer photos of it here.

In the afternoon whilst the Pugs snored on the sofa I did a little present wrapping which I find so fun and therapeutic. I love making a mess with ribbon and sellotape everywhere! Do you like my wrapping paper set from Ikea? The print is so cute!

Here are my 5 good things of the moment:
1) Our new computer which has a touch screen monitor. It is seriously the way forward! Check out how easy it is for me to collect my eggs in Farmville now! I didn't know this technology had been invented yet but apparently so!
2) My bad skin is clearing up. I think it was due to a change of the pill so I'm going back to my usual one. I lost so much confidence knowing that I had spots that no amount of Double Wear would conceal! The saying "stick to what you know" is so true!

3) Plans to see New Moon this week. I literally can't wait to see this film - it looks so good. I was previously Team Edward but seriously.. jesus! I can't resist this:

Feel free to let me know your current 5 good things in the comments box! I'd love to hear them.
All photos - weheartit.
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